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    Reload the Simulator when Changes Occur in React Native Apps
    2m 11s

Reload the Simulator when Changes Occur in React Native Apps

Chris Achard
InstructorChris Achard

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Once your React Native app is up and running, we’ll make a simple change and reload the simulator to show the change. We’ll look at manually reloading the simulator, reloading with Live Reload and reloading with Hot Reloading, and talk about the pros and cons of each method.

~ 6 years ago

The deletions and changes are made sooooo fast that after repeated watching the recording, I'm not able to see what changed. If he highlghted the portion to delete and let the student take that in, it would be much better student experience. Thank you.

Chris Achard
Chris Achardinstructor
~ 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback Piyush - I see what you mean; at least a box or arrow to what is being deleted would help. I'll keep that in mind when I update the course - thanks!

~ 6 years ago

Thanks for looking into it, Chris.

One more thing .. stating you may click on Command .. on Mac and Control ... on Windows is a well known thing now, and it just adds fluff to the learning narration. I wish online instructors skipped this and just spoke about one of the two systems. I prefer Ctrl, since it covers Windows and Linux.