1. 13
    Make a Touchable Button in React Native
    3m 46s

Make a Touchable Button in React Native

Chris Achard
InstructorChris Achard

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Touchable buttons are all over mobile applications, so we’ll look at how to make a few different styles of buttons in React Native. Unlike on the web, not every component type accepts an onPress prop, so we’ll look at how to wrap other components in a Touchable element in order to make a button.

Juliette Rapala
Juliette Rapala
~ 6 years ago

For the lazy folks out there 🙂

info: {
	marginHorizontal: 40,
	marginVertical: 10,
	padding: 10,
	backgroundColor: '#FFF',
	borderWidth: 1,
	borderColor: '#DDD',
	borderRadius: 4,
Simon Carter
Simon Carter
~ 6 years ago

Thanks Juliette. Shame you can't like comments, so 👍