1. 5
    Create a an AWS Lambda function to scan a DynamoDB table using DocumentClient
    4m 46s

Create a an AWS Lambda function to scan a DynamoDB table using DocumentClient

Tomasz Łakomy
InstructorTomasz Łakomy

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AWS Console is really useful but in vast majority of cases - we want to interact with our database programatically.

In this lesson we're going to learn how to create a brand new AWS Lambda function in which we'll perform a scan operation on a DynamoDB table.

There are quite a few topics that we'll cover:

  • creating a new AWS Lambda function
  • creating a brand new IAM Role with required permissions for Lambda function to read data from a DynamoDB table
  • creating an environment variable within the AWS Lambda Console to store the name of the DynamoDB table
  • using AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient API in order to call a scan operation on a DynamoDB table